Lauren Lee-Burns's profile

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2018

"Run." Video: 01:20. January 2018. 
Description: Based on a childhood recurring dream about an unknown monster chasing me into a bathroom to kill me. I can never remember what the monster's face is because I usually wake up before the bathroom stall door opens. 
"Identity." Embroidery Thread on Cotton. December 2017. 
Description: The idea for this project was to use a material that you have never used before. I have no prior experience in embroidery, and I do not know how to sew at all, so learning this skill was something I felt I needed to know. These three different patches represent three major parts of myself that I feel I put on display for the world on a daily basis, other you can see more distinctly than others.
"Inner Demons." Digital. March 2017.
Description: This piece is apart of a series of other drawings dealing with the signs of depression that common people usually don't recognize. In this drawing, I wanted to show someone dealing with their inner demons (depression, anxiety, etc.) while trying not to be consumed and transformed into a monster by it. 

"King of the Cats." Clay and Paint. December 2017. 
Description: Based on one of my friend's moniker and the special symbol he made for himself.
"A Study in Food." Digital Photography. January 2018.
"Flowers for Kevin." Acrylic Paint on Canvas. June 2017. 
MICA Competitive Scholarship 2018

MICA Competitive Scholarship 2018
